The sacred Oasis

The sacred Oasis

Willow Byrde has set up shop by this oasis at the centre of the desert. They’re helping liven up the economy for the nomadic tribe that inhabits it, since one of their friends live here.

Lately strange noises and a smell of rotten egg come out of the cave by its northwestern side. What lies inside of it?

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Tower Island

Tower Island

A small community of nomadic fishermen has started living on this small sheet of land offshore from Bronco’s camp.

Life went peacefully on for them for several days, until the screams started. It happens at night. The wisps that light up the abandoned tower on the island betray hints of supernatural activities there, and not even the druids dare to explore it.

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Abandoned beach

Abandoned beach

According to Bronco, another druid of the Circle of Conservation used to live here. He conducted a simple life by the sea and cleaned the beach regularly. He has not sent word to him in a tenday, though.

The beach is littered and algae has accumulated on the previously pristine sand and by the cliffs. What happened to him? It is up to you and your friends to discover it.

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The Rabbaroo

The Rabbaroo

Forged in the fires of a billion springtime errands, Rabbaroos are a tenacious race of magical marsupials whose duty is to fulfill everyone’s need for wonder and eggs.

Some say they are helpers of a benevolent nature spirit, others claim they are trickster entities that choose to help mortals in their adventures.

Nevertheless, they can be easily domesticated and they can become companions to rangers, or they can be encountered in packs while they roam in woods and meadows. If trained, they can even learn rudimentary communication methods.

Their call, “Rab Rab Roo”, inspired their name.

Cabin in the forest

Cabin in the forest

This cabin seems to have been abandoned for years. Not even the druids come here. If that’s the case, why do you smell fresh blood?

And what is that chirping you hear from the corners of your senses? Is it a warning, or an ineluctable sign that something is coming for you?

You get closer to the door and find some intentional scratching on the wood. You raise your lantern closer and you can finally read it: “RUN!”

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Conservationist Respite

Conservationist Respite

This home has been built, improved, lived in by the Circle of Conservation druids for the past two hundred years.

The druids always felt safe in their forest, but recently looming shadows have been stalking them at nights, so they recently installed a mechanical drawbridge to access their dwelling on the trees.

This seems, for now, the only safe harbor in the forest. Enjoy your time here, adventurers. It might be the last you spend together.

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